Friday 4 April 2014

WDCL Div 1 Wolverhampton A v Walsall Kipping A

WDCL Div 1 Match 154

Thurs 03/04/2014
Wolverhampton A Walsall Kipping A
1 189 Townsend Michael P 0.5 0.5 Anderton David CM 194
2 e189 Sanghera Parminder 1 0 Bellin Jana WGM 188
3 165 Wightman Dave R 0.5 0.5 Roberts Nick 175
4 153 Bull Phil 1 0 Bellin Christopher 157
5 146 Wood Frank (Cap) 0 1 Pritchard Dave 155
6 146 Jones Peter Pearson 1 0 Friend Dave 138
Totals 4 2

Fresh from the dramatic events of the Pittaway Cup Final on Tuesday, Wolverhampton faced Walsall Kipping in the final match of the Wolverhampton League season.  Needing to win to remain in Division 1, both sides were close to full strength leading to no significant grading advantage for either side.  For the first hour, there was nothing between the sides, but Parminder Sanghera gradually developed a space advantage on the kingside which opened up into a sharp attack.  Peter Pearson-Jones went an exchange up on Board 6, but Phil Bull’s opponent sacrificed a knight for an attack against the white king.  Dave Wightman agreed a draw on Board 3 and, shortly afterwards, Phil Bull won when black’s attack subsided.  On Board 1, there were protected passed pawns for both sides, in an otherwise congested position, and a draw was agreed.  Parminder Sanghera sacrificed a rook to open up the black king and the attack was ultimately successful, leading to a match score of 3 – 1 to the home side.  Frank Wood was unable to protect all of his pawns in a rook ending, eventually losing on Board 5, but Peter Pearson-Jones closed out the win when his opponent ran into time trouble and was unable to sustain the defence, leading to a match score of 4 – 2 on the night.

Subject to confirmation by more gifted mathematicians, it is believed that this result is sufficient to secure Wolverhampton’s survival in the top flight for another season, albeit by the narrowest of margins.  Two great results in three days have put a very different complexion on what had been a difficult season for the club.  Thanks are due to Walsall Kipping for an exciting match.

By Dave Wightman 

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